God provides many channels through which you are given ability and opportunity to earn your living. It could be your job, your hobby or some temporary assignment. But do not think that these channels are the source of your income. It is when you think like that worry can easily eat into your life. It is then that questions like, “What will I do if I lose my job?” and “What would happen if I lose my health and become unable to do what I am doing today?” pop up in your head and prevents you from sleeping well.
Therefore it is important to recognize the source of your supply. It is God Himself. But He uses different channels to provide for you. Even if the channels fail, you are still connected to your source who is God Himself. The earlier you learn this truth the better. And He will not fail to supply your needs.
Look at Elijah (see 1 Kings 17). He was provided bread and meat by the ravens at God’s command. He drank from the brook. But when it dried up (an example of a channel of supply drying up in modern world context), God command a widow at Zarephath to provide him with food (an example of a highly improbable channel of supply; for who would have thought that a widow with one last meal would supply food to Elijah!). Those were two channels that God used to provide for His prophet Elijah. But God Himself was the source.
It is also to be noted that God does not run out of resources. The Bible speaks that to God belongs “the cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10). Therefore you need not place a limit on God’s ability to supply.
And when you give to God, He supplies for your needs: “Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness” (2 Corinthians 9:10 NIV). This promise was given to those who gave to God generously. Again, Paul prays, “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 NIV). This promise was also given to those who gave to God time and again. Therefore God will supply the needs of those who give to Him and His children generously time and again. Both of the above said promises were originally given to those who gave to God and should therefore be understood today as to apply to those who give to God.
Another point to be noted is that God does not run out of ideas. It is we who think and worry about “how” God is going to provide. Instead of thinking “how,” think “WHO” is providing for you. When you focus on your source of supply you will stop worrying about finances. Jesus used a very resourceful method to pay the temple tax for Himself and for Peter. He instructed Peter to go to the lake and throw out his line. When he did so, he was told that he would find a four-drachma coin in the mouth of the first fish he caught. Jesus instructed him to pay the temple tax with that amount. (Ref. Matthew 17:27).
The way God provided for the widow during Elisha’s time is another example of the fact that God does not run out of ideas to supply for your need. The widow was instructed to collect as much empty jars as possible from her neighbors. Then she was instructed to pour out the little oil she had with her into those empty jars, behind closed doors. Then when she had done so she was instructed to sell the oil, pay her debts and live on what was left.
God has all the resources in the world at His command. He has more creative ideas through which He can supply your need than you can imagine. He is a creative Person. Look at all Creation, the heavens and the varieties of life and species on earth if you have never thought about it that way. He can bring to reality an idea that you had never thought of to meet your need. The only thing you have to remember is that He is the Source of your supply.
Four important points to note:
- God is the Source of your supply
- The promises of supply are for those who give to God and His people generously, time and again.
- God’s resources are unlimited.
- God is a creative Person and never lacks ideas through which He supplies for your needs.