The Bible speaks of God as our Heavenly Father. It also tells us that He is a giver of gifts. All His gifts are good. This truth is beautifully recorded thus: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 2:17 NIV).
The above verse tells us that God does not change like shifting shadows. That means that every gift that He gives comes with a purpose. He does not shower gifts like a Santa Claus throwing sweets to a group of excited children. But He gives gifts with special care in order to bless the recipient with it.
With such thoughtfulness and care He sent His best Gift to this world–Jesus Christ. He is light to those living in darkness. He is living bread and living water to those who hunger and thirst for more of God. He is the door that opens the way to the Father in heaven. He is the tender Shepherd who leads us and guides us to a place of quietness and peace. He is truth. It is such a comfort to know Him in this world where falsehood and lies increase day by day. Such is this Gift of God.
God gave this gift to us because He loved us. We should always remember that He loved us and gave His Son for us even when we were sinners. He did not wait for us to become perfect or to complete many acts of pilgrimage. He did not consider our race or caste or language or color or creed or nationality to give His Gift to us. He gave because He “so loved the world.”1
It is amazing that God gave His Gift to us even though we did not seek Him. We would have always remained in darkness had God waited for us to seek Him. The Bible says that God revealed Himself to those who did not search for Him: “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me” (Isaiah 65:1a NIV). We should be thankful that God took the initiative to give us this Gift even when we did not bother to seek it.
Now it is time to appreciate His Gift and be thankful for it. It is one thing to receive a gift. It is another to be truly thankful for it. Many times we do not the appreciate gifts we receive as much as we ought to. This is often so because we fail to appreciate the sacrifice that the giver made to give us that gift. In other words we usually take gifts for granted. So in order to appreciate gifts that we receive we need to see the spirit of love and sacrifice of the giver.
As we enjoy God’s Gift to us let us think on the Giver and His heart. It was love of a kind unknown to us that made Him give His Son for us. No love on earth can match this. This Gift was God’s best and He emptied heaven to give it to us. In other words it cost Him much. It cost God everything. It hurt Him. Yet He gave. He gave in spite of knowing that many in the world would reject His gift. He felt the pain of rejection when He gave this Gift. Still He gave. What a Father we have!
He gave because He had a purpose in mind. He gave so that we can enjoy the gift of eternal life that came through His Gift of His Son2. Therefore let us thank God this Christmas for the Gift of His Son. Let us accept His Gift with joyful hearts. Let us welcome Him into our hearts and homes and places of work. Yes, let us welcome Him with thankfulness.
For once, let us light up God’s heart with joy by being thankful for His Gift.
“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”3
1 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV).
2 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (emphasis added by author)” (Romans 6:23 NIV)]
3 2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV