Not Before Seeing Jesus the Christ

Not before he had seen the Lord’s Christ (Ref. Luke 2:26).

Simeon. He was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel. The Holy Spirit was also upon Him.

What a blessed man this was! He waited for the Christ. He was told by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.

When he finally saw Jesus while He was brought to the temple in Jerusalem, Simeon took Him in his arms and said, “My eyes have seen your salvation.”

Did not many others see the child? Yes, they saw. But did they understand salvation? No. Yes, there were many in the temple fulfilling vows and obligations thinking that in them was salvation. While in front of their eyes was salvation in the form of the Child Jesus. Did they see? Yes. But did they know? No.

We too can be in the temple of God year after year and fail to see God’s salvation. Every year as Christmas comes around we can hear everyone talk about the Christ-Child. We have nativity scenes, songs and skits to bring alive the moments of Christmas. We see everything. We enjoy them. But do we see God’s salvation?

Today, let us see that in Him is salvation. Simeon saw Him. He was “moved by the Spirit” to go into the temple courts to see Jesus. Let us know that we cannot see Him on our own. Only the Spirit of God can move us to meet Jesus and see that in Him is salvation.

As soon as he saw Jesus, Simeon praised God. He said, “You now dismiss your servant in peace.” Oh, he was ready to die. For he had seen God’s salvation. Now he was prepared to die in peace.

Don’t we dare be ready to die before having seen the Lord’s Christ!