Glorious Things Are Said of You, O City of God

Glorious things are said of you, O city of God (Psalm 87:3 NIV).

Have you ever realized your privilege in being a child of God? Or for that matter have you ever realized the privilege of being a citizen of heaven; the city of God?

Even though this Psalm talks about the earthly Zion, it points to deeper truths than that. Now the question is, “What are these glorious things that can be said about this city? Or more specifically, about you?

The first thing is that there is a belonging. This is not a city which is orphaned. It belongs to God. See, you are not alone. You belong to God. When Jesus said that He would send the Holy Spirit He said: “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18 NIV).

So the glorious thing that is spoken about you is that you belong to God. The city of God bears the imprint of God. Wherever you look you see His glory and magnificence. Let others see the light shining in your life and say that you shine forth so because you belong to God.

Secondly, God makes His dwelling in His city. There will come a time when the hope of ages and the desire of all nations will make a physical dwelling with man. That indeed will be glorious; when people will see God and have tears wiped away from their faces.

The Presence of God can make such a difference in your life even today. Create in your heart a space, a throne and welcome your God to dwell in it. Then others will speak of the glorious thing that God dwells within you.

Thirdly, God makes a distinction between those who are citizens of this city and those who are not. Paul wrote that our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20) and John wrote that books will be opened at the end of time; especially the book of life (Revelation 20:15).

So, God keeps a record of all those who belong to this city. A consciousness of your citizenship will help you live a life worthy of holding a heavenly passport. Then glorious things will be said of you.

Finally, people rejoice over this city. It becomes the center of all their affection (All my fountains are in you–v.7b). Because God has made it glorious. And you too have a part in it.

Peter wrote: “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house” (1 Peter 2:5 NIV). Realizing your role in it causes you too to rejoice over the glorious things that are said of Zion, the city of God.

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