But on that day I will deal differently with the land of Goshen, where my people live; no swarms of flies will be there, so that you will know that I, the Lord, am in this land. I will make a distinction between my people and your people. This miraculous sign will occur tomorrow (Exodus 8:22, 23).
God cares for His people. He makes a distinction between them and others who do not trust in Him. He has methods to make it known too. He also specifies a time as to when some sign to make this distinction clear is to occur.
The first sign of distinction that God promised was that no flies would be in the land of Goshen while the rest of Egypt would suffer from them. But to focus on the sign is to miss the point that God is making here!
Instead, the point to note is why God was willing to make a distinction. It was to prove to the unbelieving Egyptians that the Israelites were not alone.
Instead, God wanted them to know that He was with the Israelites in the land. That was God’s purpose in making the distinction. And if you focus on that it will be a great source of encouragement to you today.
Know that God makes a distinction in your life not to prove your greatness. But instead it is to let the unbelieving world know that God is with you. He is with you in the land of your humiliation, groaning and suffering.
The distinction that He is going to make in your life would make the presence of God in your life abundantly clear to others. The distinction is thus God the Savior’s declaration of solidarity (expression of His oneness) with His people:
“In all their distress he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them” (Isaiah 63:9 NIV).
Finally, you need to note that God makes this distinction a part of His saving plan for your life. He knows the right time to make this distinction and also the continuance of it.
The continuance is important because the unbelieving world might not readily acknowledge the presence of God with you unless they see a continuance of distinction.
For one event of distinction can be dismissed as chance. But a few of them happening continuously will make even the hard-hearted Pharaoh’s realize that God is with you in the land of your misery!
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