Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens (Psalm 68:19 NIV).
Burdens are not uncommon to you. Every now and then you become burdened. There are a host of things that could burden you. Sometimes you move on in life like a heavy truck being towed; a slow and lifeless movement. This happens because you think there is no other option but to bear the burden.
But the good news is that there is another option for you. There is God. He carries your burdens. He is your support. “But can this be true?” You might be tempted to ask this question.
To the human mind, this thought is too good to be true. You cannot expect God to bear your burdens; can you? But to those who accept God’s Word as true, this is one among those precious promises which always stands true. Yes, you have a God who bears your burdens.
Oh, He does not grow tired or weary about it! For He does it daily. Imagine, there is not one day of your life when God does not bear your burden.
Then why do you still buckle under its pressure? It is a good question to ask yourself; “If God supports, then why do I still feel the burden?” It is simply because you try to carry much of it yourself.
You add up the burdens of yesterdays and store them together until you collapse somewhere. But such a weakening on your part is unnecessary. The one thing needed is to learn this secret: God bears your burdens daily!
The first thing needed is to believe this truth.
The second thing needed is to accept it on a daily basis.
And the third and final thing to learn is to keep the burdens on God’s shoulders; yes, keep it there and don’t try to take it back.
Then you will learn to praise your God and Savior; who daily bears your burdens.
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