How Long Will You Wait?

So Joshua said to the Israelites: “How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you?” (Joshua 18:3 NIV).

One of the simplest reasons why we fail to enter into God’s blessing for our lives is that we never do anything to receive it. We never begin. We live in a fantasy-world dreaming of how good it would be to be blessed of God. Merely wishing and praying is not enough.

First of all, you need to realize that there is a blessing which God has already given to you. “Already!” “ But I don’t see it.” These might be your responses to this fact. You don’t see it because you had never known that God had given a blessing to you.

Now why has He given you a blessing. Because you are His child. Therefore the first thing you need to realize is that God has indeed already given you a blessing.

The second thing you need to know is that you need to take possession of your blessing. Imagine that someone dear to you paid the entire amount and bought a car to give to you as a present. Think that the car was driven to your doorstep. The person gets out of the car and gives to you its keys and tells you: “It is yours!”

What if you never believe it! What if you never get into that car! It will remain yours anyway; but you will not enjoy it. To enjoy it you need to take possession of it. You need to get into it and drive it around. That makes your possession real. You then own it!

Finally, the longer you wait, the lesser are your chances of possessing your blessing. There is definitely a time for waiting in Christian living. We do need to wait upon God to know His will and time for our lives.

Yet when that time of waiting is over and you know what God has destined for you; you need to act fast. Otherwise you may lose the blessing that God has already given you.

It is not that God takes it away; but it is that you never took it for yourself. And that is sad!

More Manna:

Blessed Is the Man

Do Not Think Evil of Each Other

Object of Cursing to a Blessing