Prosperity Gospel Exposed!

#1. Any gospel that treats the precious blood of Jesus Christ which he shed for us on the cross in a light-hearted manner is not the true gospel.

#2. Any gospel that focuses on your comfort rather than the will of God is not the true gospel.

#3. Any gospel that makes a big fuss on earthly blessings which do not last is not the true gospel.

#4. Any gospel that borrows worldly wisdom like self-promotion and aggressive marketing is not the true gospel.

#5. Any gospel that spends more than normal time on asking you for money is not the true gospel.

#6. Any gospel that understands marriage in a broader way than “one man with one woman” relationship is not the true gospel.

#7. Any gospel that makes a doctrine out of some small text in the Bible is not the true gospel.

#8. Any gospel that allows permissiveness or loose morals among its leaders or members is not the true gospel.

#9. Any gospel that spends time on discussing spiritual visions of heaven, hell, angels, and others without concentrating on preaching the Word of God is not the true gospel.

#10. Any gospel that preaches violence or hatred against other religions is not the true gospel; for Jesus came to love people not to judge them.

#11. Any gospel that denies the uniqueness of Jesus Christ—his virgin birth, his sinless life, his sacrificial death on the cross, his resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven, and his coming back to this earth to judge the world—is not the true gospel.

#12. Any gospel that treats the Holy Spirit as simply a power and not as a person is not the true gospel.

#13. Any gospel that preaches the gifts of the Holy Spirit as something to be desired without laying emphasis on the fruit of the Spirit beginning with love is not the true gospel.

# 14. Any gospel that lays a hand on the Glory of God will ultimately face the wrath of God because our God is Jealous and he will not share his glory with any other.

#15. Any gospel that leaders of different denominations come together to proclaim in the name of ecumenism mixing and matching it with other religious principles and saying that all religions like rivers lead to the same sea is not the true gospel at all.

#16. Any gospel that allows its followers to live in sin saying that the grace of God is a license for immorality is not the true gospel.

#17. Any gospel that preaches authority of its Church and traditions as greater than the authority of the Word of God is not the true gospel.

#18. Any gospel that promotes “Slaying in the Spirit” is deceiving the people and opening their minds to demonic attacks and depression; and is not the true gospel.

Remember the words of Jesus,

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it”

(Matthew 7:13, 14 NIV).

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